White privilege is to modern liberal orthodoxy what original sin is to the dogmas of creedal Christianity. It's not your fault, but you're guilty anyway.
For people like me, a conservative Republican who disdains Donald Trump, but considered Hillary by far the greater evil, contemplating the next four years is a lot like the old joke about growing old. I don't relish what's coming but expect it to be far better than the alternative.
The Bundy family / sovereign citizens movement, are, to right-wing America, what Michael Brown and the Black Lives Matter movement are, to left-wing America. Both groups rely on false narratives and incendiary rhetoric, to invite the radicalization of their followers. Both groups received far more mainstream support from their most closely aligned political party and its media representatives than they should have. And both groups have inspired and incited the murders of police officers. If the Black Lives Matter movement has caused by far the greater harm, murder, and mayhem, that's only because they have more powerful forces in the mainstream media and in the universities on their side. UPDATE: The same analogy applies to the alt-right and antifa, two sides of the same fascist coin.
Listening to NPR cover a Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama campaign event, is a lot like reading an article in the Deseret News about the First Presidency attending the groundbreaking for a new LDS Temple. Very uplifting for the faithful, but not exactly journalism.
The left's obsession with the bizarre meme that Russia hacked the 2016 elections to give us Donald Trump, is akin to the right's obsession in 2008, with the bizarre meme that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. Both claims are based on innuendo instead of hard facts, and both claims are a diversion from more important concerns, revealing more about the psychology of their most ardent proponents, than about the more important critiques which could be made of either politician. Again, given its support in the mainstream media, the Russia-hacked-the-election mythos is doing far more harm.
Attending a modern American university as a conservative must be very similar to attending divinity school as an atheist. If you aren't seeking instruction in the tenets of social justice warriordom, let alone seeking to join its priesthood, you must often wonder what on earth you are doing there.
The role of the Southern Poverty Law Center in modern American politics is essentially the same as the role of the Grand Inquisitor in medieval Catholicism: to persecute heretics and others who dissent against the universal modern faith that everyone is required to believe in.
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