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Monday, March 14, 2016

What I Learned at the Movies in 2015

The people who control the news and entertainment media are using their power to send messages they believe will save the world, but which are actually destroying the world in the name of "progress."  Tomorrowland  (Who knew a major U.S. film studio and George Clooney could be this honest about the effects of their liberalism?)

Men are not silent, they just speak in subtitles.  Aloha

There is one thing better than fun.  Purpose.  Aloha

Shepherds with stupid dogs should not live next to a cliff.   Far From the Madding Crowd

It was not intended that men should understand women.  Attempts to do so will lead to madness, imprisonment, or death.  Far from the Madding Crowd

Children always end up safe from attacking dinosaurs.  Jurassic World  (Something in their pheromones perhaps?)

I have no idea how badly I am screwing up my children.  Inside Out

Thor's hammer is not as heavy as it seems.  Avengers Age of Ultron

Upon becoming a Superhero, your first nemesis will always be a villain who has your same superpowers. Ant Man  (See also, Iron Man, The Hulk, Thor, Captain America)

The best way to stop the bad guys is to do the bad guys' job for them by stealing what they want from the good guys and offering it to the bad guys.  Mission Impossible 5  (See also, Mission Impossible 1,2,3, and 4).

It's easier for my mind to understand spoken German if I just listen to the dialogue and ignore the English subtitles.  The Man from Uncle

It will be easier to face an early death if you can say something like: "Tell my family I love what I do and I'm really good at it." The Martian

The physics of the Star Wars galaxy bears no relationship to actual physics. Star Wars, Episode 7

Carrie Fisher shouldn't have picked up that smoking habit.  Star Wars, Episode 7

Follow the mouse.  Spectre