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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Stupid 21st Century Ideas

Not to be overly curmudgeonly, but, herewith, in no particular order, some prevalent modern ideas which are, in my opinion, stupid, false, counterproductive, and likely to destroy western civilization:

1.  The belief that a government dedicated to promoting equalized outcomes and "social justice" is performing a legitimate governmental function, which will not lead to totalitarianism.

2.  The idea that the government's primary function is to promote equality (in outcomes, not in treatment before the law), rather than to preserve liberty and freedom.

3.  The idea that the most important thing the founders ever did was to revolt from England, when, in fact, the most important thing they ever did was to thereafter establish a constitutional republic of laws and not of men.

4.  The idea that sex, marriage, procreation, and child-rearing need not be integrated concepts, but can all be separated into independent processes bearing no relation to each other, without any adverse effects to society.

5.  The single gender lie, which denies the basic biological fact that (with rare medical exceptions insufficiently common to upend society over) human beings come in two genders, chromosomally defined and determinable, and which promotes instead the claim that there are no inherent complementary differences between men and women, but only differences which are the result of unjust social conditioning, such that we should strive for a world in which all gender differences have been collapsed and we all behave and are treated as an undifferentiated unigender.

6.  The multiple gender lie, which denies the basic biological fact that human beings come in two genders (with rare medical exceptions insufficently common to upend society over), and which promotes instead the claim that there are a multiplicity of genders, which we must each determine for ourselves regardless of the gender we were (arbitrarily and unjustly) "assigned" at birth.

7.  All of the stupid ideas that flow from the single gender lie and from the multiple gender lie, including without limitation, cisgender privilege theory, marriage redefined (out of existence) as meaning whatever you want it to mean with no core constitutive elements, policies which terminate the role of fathers in children's lives, etc.

8.  The biggest false promise of the 60's, which nevertheless continues to be pushed today, despite all historical evidence to the contrary: that unregulated and unfettered and government financed access to birth control and abortion, for singles as well as marrieds, for youth as well as adults, will decrease illegitimate births.

9.  The "Millenials'" generation's insistence that their children are so unique and special that each one of them must be given a name no one has ever heard before, which must be spelled non-phonetically. This item will seem like a silly, overly-curmudgeonly, addition to this list ("Come on people, there are like 14 ways to make a long e sound in English, can't you use one of them?")   But it is in its way symptomatic of the whole.  This is, ultimately, a list about ignoring objective sources of wisdom which come from outside oneself (based on nature, or the facts, or the law, or tradition, or God) and replacing it with subjective and personal beliefs.  The Millienials' insistence that they can spell their childrens' names one way and require they be pronounced a different way is of a piece with the Millenials' embrace of defining marriage to mean whatever any two or more persons want it to mean.

10.  Disparate impact presumptions.  The belief that in a socially just society, every single ethnic or racial or gender group will have exactly the same outcomes as every other such group, such that, if any study between whites and non-whites, or between men and women, or between any other two groups, shows any differences in their average incomes, or average test scores, or average loan approval rates, or average graduation rates, etc., invidious discrimination/racism/sexism must be legally and politically presumed to be at fault, and inherent differences in the goals and aspirations and choices of different groups of people from different cultures cannot possibly have anything to do with it.

11.  The multiculturalism lie: The belief that no society should be judged as morally superior or inferior to any other society, except that western civilization is presumed to be inferior to all other societies.

12.  The female multicultural lie.  The belief that multiculturalism is compatible with feminism, despite the fact that no culture on earth treats women as well as western culture.

13.  The constitutional inequality lie.  The belief that it is constitutionally appropriate for the government to discriminate against Whites and Asians and in favor of other groups, granted preferential treatment in the awarding of public contracts and in public university admissions, and that this does not violate the equal protection clause of the U.S. Constitution.

14.  The university diversity lie.  The belief that a high quality higher education requires a university student to be exposed to a diversity of ethnic groups and skin colors, but does not require the student to be exposed to any diverse political opinions.  Hence, admissions and tenure decisions are to be made on the basis of ensuring ideological conformity by people who all look different but think exactly the same.

15.  The higher education as political monastery lie.  The redefining of the purpose of higher education, which is no longer to teach students knowledge and how to think, but is, instead, to promote "social justice" via recruiting and converting students as adherents to and missionaries for the causes of the left, such that it is perfectly appropriate for speakers and teachers who do not share in those causes to be kept off of university grounds, since allowing such partisans a voice would be contrary to the purpose of the university, as those purposes are now defined.

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